Step By Step To Generate Table In Blogger - With Pictures

If you love Wordpress, then you will find many plugins to create tables for your website. However if you go for blogger, then you have to use HTML coding or Ms. excel. Both processes are time-consuming. So don't worry, today I bought the easiest way to make tables in blogger without any coding. Here we will discuss  two things:
  • How To Generate Table.
  • How to Insert Table In Blogger.
Now, we will learn how to generate  tables for our blog. So follow these steps to  create  a table.
Step 1: Go to Div Table Styler. There you will find different design of table. Choose one of the designs.

Step 2:  In the body section, you will get options to select actual size of tables like 2*2, 5*2, 3*2 etc. as per your needs.  For an example I will select 4*5. You will also find the options to hide or show heading and footer option for the table. 

Step 3: Next you will find the table of the selected size. You just need to fill up the table.   You can see the picture below.

After this, almost our work is completed. HTML and CSS code will be automatically generated just below the table. The CSS code is from table's color and design, so you have to copy the code and insert it only once at the CSS field of themes. Finally, copy the HTML code and paste it wherever you want to show the table in the pages. Hope you like it, if you need further help, please drop a message in the comment section or fill up the contact form in the sidebar.

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