We Will Not Resume Public Vehicles - Chairperson Nath

From Thursday, The government of Nepal had decided to resume public transport inside the district by taking necessary health precautions. In the emergency press conference, the chairperson of The Federation of Nepali National Transport Enterpreneurs sets  various preconditions to resume public transportation.

The conditions are:

  • Insurance for drivers and conductors.
  • Increase the time to pay bank loan
  • Documents should be renewed without taking revenue
  • Refinance should be arranged to get the vehicle out of the garage

The chairperson of federation, Gyanendra Nath said that, he was surprised when the government made a sudden decision without consulting them. They can only resume public transportation if  government fulfils their demands. The federation has  incurred massive losses in the lockdown due to the Corona virus  pandemic.

Chairperson Nath further added, In the current situation, the Covid-19 infection can be scary while using public transportations. So we request government to do insurance for our drivers and co-drivers. They will be forced to hand over the keys to the government of Nepal if it does not address their genuine demands.

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