My Parents, My Idol

Love is the strongest bond between person which kept close to each other. We are loved by many people and vice versa. My parents (father and mother) are the one whom I loved more than myself. They are my idols.

I was born in the middle-class farmer's house as the eldest son. It brought a lot of smiles and happiness in the family as well as added more responsibilities towards them. They had to work hard as well as they had to take care of me. They shared the responsibilities, but never divided it. As I grew more their responsibility increases.

Though our economic status is very weak, they were never afraid to admit me in an expensive boarding school for my bright future. Now additional expenditure increases with limit incomes, which degrades our economic status. They started to work harder than before and try to reduce older loan as well. 

As the school levels increased, my parents had to manage more school fees for me. Sometimes I thought, I will quit the boarding and join the free government school, but my parent always gave me a hope that they will never give up to send me in boarding. It makes me so sad that I cried from inside and thanks them for their sacrifice.

With the very hard work they had completed my school levels. I know, how hardly they struggled to teach me for 17 years.  And I also know that I can't pay it back.  However, I promised, I will keep you happy forever. Your struggling days are about to end.

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